Karan Sharma

+91 9650 318721


Github / Twitter


Google Summer of Code'16

Python Software Foundation

  • Worked on coala-analyzer project. Planned, designed and developed a command line application to automate bear creation tasks. Published as library which has around 300 active users.
  • Implemented Syntax Highlighting in the main command line application.
  • Created a Bear Documentation Website with AngularJS, Flask and MateriallizeCSS to provide a clean interface for all bear docs.
  • All code was reviewed, perfected, and pushed to production.
  • Full Stack Web Developer Intern


  • Worked with Flask and Javascript to create a blogging platform.
  • Refactored the old API and implemented new database design changes with PostgresSQL.
  • Took part in interviewing real users for paper prototyping the User Interface.
  • Created test suites for API routes with BDD testing tools like behave.
  • Coding Projects


    Source code

    Developed a Command Line Interface to browse FontAwesome icons on terminal. Published as a Python package which has over 1000 downloads.

    NetNeutrality Badge

    Source code / Live Demo

    Developed a webapp which fetches user’s profile photo and overlays it with SaveTheInternet badge. Many users used it to show support for the cause.

    Insta Not follow

    Source code

    Developed a webapp to find out accounts which an Instagram user follows but they don’t follow back.


    Source code / Website

    Anticipated the need for carpooling needs in university. Designed and built a webapp before the advent of today’s popular ridesharing apps. Over 800 users within 5 days of launch.


    Full Stack Web Developer

    Adopter of Test-driven and Agile development practices.
    Software development: OOP Python 2/3 (Numpy, Unittest, pyMock, ...), Version control (Git/Github) and Continuous Integration (Travis-CI & CircleCI & Coveralls)
    Web development: Python (Flask, webapp2, requests, GAE, ...), HTML/CSS (Bootstrap, Skeleton, MateriallizeCSS...), Javascript (jQuery, AngularJS, ...) and Ruby (Jekyll)
    Data Analysis and visualisation: Python (pandas, matplotlib, ...) and R (ggplot2, ROCR, ...)
    Database management: Object Relational (PostgresQL) and non-relational (MongoDB)
    Other coding and scripting: Bash and C


    SNU ACM Chapter

    Student Speaker Organization /

    Give lectures on FOSS, practical app development and live coding sessions at college.

    IT Secretary

    Student Council @ Shiv Nadar University


    Interests & Hobbies